GET api/Connectors/GetOrderByOrderNumber?providerId={providerId}&ordernumber={ordernumber}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
providerId | integer |
Required |
ordernumber | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
OrderApiModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
BillingAddress | AddressApiModel |
None. |
ShippingAddress | AddressApiModel |
None. |
OrderItems | Collection of OrderItemsApiModel |
None. |
OrderCoupons | Collection of OrderCouponsApiModel |
None. |
OrderShipment | Collection of OrderShipmentApiModel |
None. |
OrderPayments | Collection of OrderPayments |
None. |
PreferredgroupDetails | Collection of preferredgroupDetails |
None. |
OrderNumber | integer |
Required |
ProviderID | integer |
None. |
OrderID | integer |
None. |
ShopperID | integer |
None. |
ShopperUserName | string |
Required |
ShopperName | string |
None. |
ShopperFirstName | string |
None. |
ShopperLastName | string |
None. |
ShopperTypeID | integer |
None. |
ShopperEmail | string |
None. |
ShopperPhoneNumber | string |
None. |
OrderPlacedDate | date |
Required |
IPAddress | string |
Required |
CarrierName | string |
None. |
OrderStatusId | integer |
Required |
CarrierId | integer |
Required |
ServiceTypeId | integer |
Required |
OriginalSubTotal | decimal number |
Required |
DiscountTotal | decimal number |
Required |
OrderSubTotal | decimal number |
Required |
ShippingCost | decimal number |
Required |
TaxCost | decimal number |
Required |
StoreCreditUsed | decimal number |
Required |
GiftCardAmountUsed | decimal number |
Required |
GiftCardInfo | string |
None. |
PaymentMethodId | integer |
Required |
PaymentStatusId | integer |
Required |
AuthorizationCode | string |
None. |
TransactionReferenceNumber | string |
None. |
OrderTotal | decimal number |
Required |
OrderComments | string |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
ModifiedDate | date |
None. |
PreferredGroupID | integer |
None. |
PreferredGroupName | string |
None. |
CardType | string |
None. |
orderPoNumber | string |
None. |
OrderNote | string |
None. |
IsTaxOnShipping | boolean |
None. |
InvoiceNumber | string |
None. |
IsShippingSameasBilling | boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, text/html
{ "OrderNumber": 1, "ProviderID": 1, "OrderID": 2, "ShopperID": 3, "ShopperUserName": "sample string 4", "ShopperName": "sample string 5", "ShopperFirstName": "sample string 6", "ShopperLastName": "sample string 7", "ShopperTypeID": 8, "ShopperEmail": "sample string 9", "ShopperPhoneNumber": "sample string 10", "OrderPlacedDate": "1/22/2025", "IPAddress": "sample string 11", "CarrierName": "sample string 12", "OrderStatusId": 13, "CarrierId": 1, "ServiceTypeId": 1, "OriginalSubTotal": 14.1, "DiscountTotal": 15.1, "OrderSubTotal": 16.1, "ShippingCost": 17.1, "TaxCost": 18.1, "StoreCreditUsed": 19.1, "GiftCardAmountUsed": 20.1, "GiftCardInfo": "sample string 21", "PaymentMethodId": 1, "PaymentStatusId": 22, "AuthorizationCode": "sample string 23", "TransactionReferenceNumber": "sample string 24", "OrderTotal": 25.1, "OrderComments": "sample string 26", "CreatedDate": "1/22/2025", "ModifiedDate": "1/22/2025", "PreferredGroupID": 1, "PreferredGroupName": "sample string 29", "CardType": "sample string 30", "orderPoNumber": "sample string 31", "OrderNote": "sample string 32", "IsTaxOnShipping": true, "InvoiceNumber": "sample string 34", "IsShippingSameasBilling": true, "BillingAddress": { "AddressName": "sample string 1", "ContactPersonName": "sample string 2", "PhoneNumber": "sample string 3", "FaxNumber": "sample string 4", "Email": "sample string 5", "AddressLine1": "sample string 6", "AddressLine2": "sample string 7", "ZipCode": "sample string 8", "CityName": "sample string 9", "StateCode": "sample string 10", "CountryCode": "sample string 11" }, "ShippingAddress": { "AddressName": "sample string 1", "ContactPersonName": "sample string 2", "PhoneNumber": "sample string 3", "FaxNumber": "sample string 4", "Email": "sample string 5", "AddressLine1": "sample string 6", "AddressLine2": "sample string 7", "ZipCode": "sample string 8", "CityName": "sample string 9", "StateCode": "sample string 10", "CountryCode": "sample string 11" }, "OrderItems": [ { "OrderLineNumber": 64, "SupplierCode": "sample string 2", "ProductCode": "sample string 3", "ProductName": "sample string 4", "BrandName": "sample string 5", "SKUCode": "sample string 6", "Options": "sample string 7", "UnitOriginalPrice": 8.1, "UnitDiscountedPrice": 9.1, "QtyOrdered": 10, "ShippedQuantity": 1, "StatusId": 11, "EmbOrderItems": [ { "currentCurrency": "sample string 1", "placeHolder": "sample string 2", "conversionRate": 3.1, "EmbOrderItemID": 1, "OrderItemID": 2, "ProviderID": 3, "EmbTemplateID": 4, "EmbellishmentID": 5, "EmbellishmentName": "sample string 6", "Name": "sample string 7", "DisplayName": "sample string 8", "ControlTypeID": 9, "Value": "sample string 10", "Text": "sample string 11", "ImagePath": "sample string 12", "Price": 13.1, "DiscountedPrice": 14.1, "Quantity": 15, "PricePerCharacter": 16.1, "FreeLength": 17, "SetupFee": 18.1, "OrderID": 19, "EmbGroupID": 20, "Status": true, "Required": true, "OrderStatus": 64, "CreatedBy": 24, "CreatedDate": "1/22/2025", "ModifiedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "1/22/2025", "EmbroideryPosition": 64, "FormatedPrice": "sample string 140.61", "FormatedDiscountedPrice": "sample string 143.71", "FormatedPriceForEmail": "sample string 240.61", "FormatedDiscountedPriceForEmail": "sample string 243.71", "FormatedImageSetupPrice": "sample string 256.11", "AdditionalInfo": "sample string 26" }, { "currentCurrency": "sample string 1", "placeHolder": "sample string 2", "conversionRate": 3.1, "EmbOrderItemID": 1, "OrderItemID": 2, "ProviderID": 3, "EmbTemplateID": 4, "EmbellishmentID": 5, "EmbellishmentName": "sample string 6", "Name": "sample string 7", "DisplayName": "sample string 8", "ControlTypeID": 9, "Value": "sample string 10", "Text": "sample string 11", "ImagePath": "sample string 12", "Price": 13.1, "DiscountedPrice": 14.1, "Quantity": 15, "PricePerCharacter": 16.1, "FreeLength": 17, "SetupFee": 18.1, "OrderID": 19, "EmbGroupID": 20, "Status": true, "Required": true, "OrderStatus": 64, "CreatedBy": 24, "CreatedDate": "1/22/2025", "ModifiedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "1/22/2025", "EmbroideryPosition": 64, "FormatedPrice": "sample string 140.61", "FormatedDiscountedPrice": "sample string 143.71", "FormatedPriceForEmail": "sample string 240.61", "FormatedDiscountedPriceForEmail": "sample string 243.71", "FormatedImageSetupPrice": "sample string 256.11", "AdditionalInfo": "sample string 26" } ], "EmbellishmentInfo": [ { "ItemCode": "sample string 1", "ItemDescription": "sample string 2", "Quantity": 3, "UnitPrice": 4.1, "UnitCost": 5.1, "ItemTotal": 6.1, "SetUpFee": 7.1 }, { "ItemCode": "sample string 1", "ItemDescription": "sample string 2", "Quantity": 3, "UnitPrice": 4.1, "UnitCost": 5.1, "ItemTotal": 6.1, "SetUpFee": 7.1 } ], "OrderLineNote": "sample string 12", "ERPNumber": "sample string 13", "IsFreeProduct": true, "HasEmbellishment": true, "IsTaxable": true, "EmbroideryType": "sample string 17", "PreferredGroupID": 18, "CustomDesignID": 19 }, { "OrderLineNumber": 64, "SupplierCode": "sample string 2", "ProductCode": "sample string 3", "ProductName": "sample string 4", "BrandName": "sample string 5", "SKUCode": "sample string 6", "Options": "sample string 7", "UnitOriginalPrice": 8.1, "UnitDiscountedPrice": 9.1, "QtyOrdered": 10, "ShippedQuantity": 1, "StatusId": 11, "EmbOrderItems": [ { "currentCurrency": "sample string 1", "placeHolder": "sample string 2", "conversionRate": 3.1, "EmbOrderItemID": 1, "OrderItemID": 2, "ProviderID": 3, "EmbTemplateID": 4, "EmbellishmentID": 5, "EmbellishmentName": "sample string 6", "Name": "sample string 7", "DisplayName": "sample string 8", "ControlTypeID": 9, "Value": "sample string 10", "Text": "sample string 11", "ImagePath": "sample string 12", "Price": 13.1, "DiscountedPrice": 14.1, "Quantity": 15, "PricePerCharacter": 16.1, "FreeLength": 17, "SetupFee": 18.1, "OrderID": 19, "EmbGroupID": 20, "Status": true, "Required": true, "OrderStatus": 64, "CreatedBy": 24, "CreatedDate": "1/22/2025", "ModifiedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "1/22/2025", "EmbroideryPosition": 64, "FormatedPrice": "sample string 140.61", "FormatedDiscountedPrice": "sample string 143.71", "FormatedPriceForEmail": "sample string 240.61", "FormatedDiscountedPriceForEmail": "sample string 243.71", "FormatedImageSetupPrice": "sample string 256.11", "AdditionalInfo": "sample string 26" }, { "currentCurrency": "sample string 1", "placeHolder": "sample string 2", "conversionRate": 3.1, "EmbOrderItemID": 1, "OrderItemID": 2, "ProviderID": 3, "EmbTemplateID": 4, "EmbellishmentID": 5, "EmbellishmentName": "sample string 6", "Name": "sample string 7", "DisplayName": "sample string 8", "ControlTypeID": 9, "Value": "sample string 10", "Text": "sample string 11", "ImagePath": "sample string 12", "Price": 13.1, "DiscountedPrice": 14.1, "Quantity": 15, "PricePerCharacter": 16.1, "FreeLength": 17, "SetupFee": 18.1, "OrderID": 19, "EmbGroupID": 20, "Status": true, "Required": true, "OrderStatus": 64, "CreatedBy": 24, "CreatedDate": "1/22/2025", "ModifiedBy": 1, "ModifiedDate": "1/22/2025", "EmbroideryPosition": 64, "FormatedPrice": "sample string 140.61", "FormatedDiscountedPrice": "sample string 143.71", "FormatedPriceForEmail": "sample string 240.61", "FormatedDiscountedPriceForEmail": "sample string 243.71", "FormatedImageSetupPrice": "sample string 256.11", "AdditionalInfo": "sample string 26" } ], "EmbellishmentInfo": [ { "ItemCode": "sample string 1", "ItemDescription": "sample string 2", "Quantity": 3, "UnitPrice": 4.1, "UnitCost": 5.1, "ItemTotal": 6.1, "SetUpFee": 7.1 }, { "ItemCode": "sample string 1", "ItemDescription": "sample string 2", "Quantity": 3, "UnitPrice": 4.1, "UnitCost": 5.1, "ItemTotal": 6.1, "SetUpFee": 7.1 } ], "OrderLineNote": "sample string 12", "ERPNumber": "sample string 13", "IsFreeProduct": true, "HasEmbellishment": true, "IsTaxable": true, "EmbroideryType": "sample string 17", "PreferredGroupID": 18, "CustomDesignID": 19 } ], "OrderCoupons": [ { "CouponCode": "sample string 1", "DiscountTypeId": 2, "DiscountValue": 3.1 }, { "CouponCode": "sample string 1", "DiscountTypeId": 2, "DiscountValue": 3.1 } ], "OrderShipment": [ { "OrderNumber": 1, "SupplierCode": "sample string 1", "SKUCode": "sample string 2", "QuantityShipped": 3, "TrackingNumber": "sample string 4", "ShippedDate": "1/22/2025", "CarrierId": 1, "ServiceTypeId": 1 }, { "OrderNumber": 1, "SupplierCode": "sample string 1", "SKUCode": "sample string 2", "QuantityShipped": 3, "TrackingNumber": "sample string 4", "ShippedDate": "1/22/2025", "CarrierId": 1, "ServiceTypeId": 1 } ], "OrderPayments": [ { "OrderPaymentID": 1, "OrderID": 2, "AuthorizationCode": "sample string 3", "TransactionRefNumber": "sample string 4", "ResponseCode": "sample string 5", "PaymentProviderID": 1, "LogTime": "1/22/2025", "ApprovedAmount": 1.1, "PaymentType": 7, "TokenizedCardNumber": "sample string 8", "CardNumber": "sample string 9", "ExpDate": "sample string 10", "CardHolderName": "sample string 11", "RoutingNumber": "sample string 12", "Balance": 13.1 }, { "OrderPaymentID": 1, "OrderID": 2, "AuthorizationCode": "sample string 3", "TransactionRefNumber": "sample string 4", "ResponseCode": "sample string 5", "PaymentProviderID": 1, "LogTime": "1/22/2025", "ApprovedAmount": 1.1, "PaymentType": 7, "TokenizedCardNumber": "sample string 8", "CardNumber": "sample string 9", "ExpDate": "sample string 10", "CardHolderName": "sample string 11", "RoutingNumber": "sample string 12", "Balance": 13.1 } ], "PreferredgroupDetails": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "Plant": "sample string 3", "District": "sample string 4", "CustomerAccountKey": "sample string 5", "SXCustomerNumber": "sample string 6", "OfficeCode": "sample string 7" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "Plant": "sample string 3", "District": "sample string 4", "CustomerAccountKey": "sample string 5", "SXCustomerNumber": "sample string 6", "OfficeCode": "sample string 7" } ] }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.