Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductOptionID | integer |
None. |
Name | string |
Required |
SCUniqueID | integer |
None. |
SCUniqueDisplayName | string |
None. |
DisplayTypeID | integer |
Required |
ProviderID | integer |
None. |
Status | boolean |
None. |
SortOrder | integer |
None. |
CreatedBy | integer |
None. |
Default | boolean |
None. |
Deleted | boolean |
None. |
OriginalProviderID | integer |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
ModifiedBy | integer |
None. |
ModifiedDate | date |
None. |
ProductOptionValues | Collection of ProductOptionValue |
None. |
SKUOptions | Collection of SKUOption |
None. |
SupplierSKUOptions | Collection of SupplierSKUOption |
None. |
OriginalProviderName | string |
None. |
ProductOptionsetList | Collection of ProductOptionSet |
None. |
GetSelectedOptionList | Collection of integer |
None. |
SelectedOption | boolean |
None. |
DisplayType | string |
None. |
DeletedOptionsList | Collection of string |
None. |