Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductID | integer |
None. |
ProviderID | integer |
None. |
Name | string |
None. |
Code | string |
None. |
SCProductCode | string |
None. |
SCProductID | integer |
None. |
SCParentID | integer |
None. |
Description | string |
None. |
TechnicalSpecification | string |
None. |
AdditionalInformation | string |
None. |
MSRP | decimal number |
None. |
MAP | decimal number |
None. |
CostPrice | decimal number |
None. |
SortOrder | integer |
None. |
Width | decimal number |
None. |
Height | decimal number |
None. |
Length | decimal number |
None. |
BrandID | integer |
None. |
SmallImage | string |
None. |
BigImage | string |
None. |
VideoPath | string |
None. |
WarrantyMessage | string |
None. |
ShowWarranty | boolean |
None. |
MinQtyOrder | integer |
None. |
MaxQtyOrder | integer |
None. |
Taxable | boolean |
None. |
HideProductPrice | boolean |
None. |
AllowBackOrder | boolean |
None. |
EnableDropShip | boolean |
None. |
CallForPrice | boolean |
None. |
MetaTitle | string |
None. |
MetaDescription | string |
None. |
MetaKeywords | string |
None. |
LockTypeID | byte |
None. |
Status | boolean |
None. |
Deleted | boolean |
None. |
Subscribed | byte |
None. |
ShippingType | byte |
None. |
CreatedBy | integer |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
ModifiedBy | integer |
None. |
ModifiedDate | date |
None. |
SearchKeywords | string |
None. |
ShippingCost | decimal number |
None. |
SoftLockSCProductID | integer |
None. |
ScheduledDelete | boolean |
None. |
IsSKULavelTierPricing | boolean |
None. |
OriginalProviderID | integer |
None. |
ParentCategoryIDs | string |
None. |
FeatureIDs | string |
None. |
FeatureSetIDs | string |
None. |
Brands | Collection of CategoryModel |
None. |
SKUOptions | Collection of SKUOption |
None. |
AlreadyMapped | integer |
None. |
SupplierID | integer |
None. |
Mode | string |
None. |
SellingPrice | decimal number |
None. |
SelectedProductIDs | string |
None. |
ProductDetailsList | Collection of Product |
None. |
ProductSKUs | Collection of ProductSKU |
None. |
ProductCategorys | Collection of ProductCategory |
None. |
ProductTierPrices | Collection of ProductTierPrice |
None. |
ProductTax | Collection of ProductTax |
None. |
ProductSKUSViewModelSave | Collection of ProductSKUSViewModel |
None. |
ProductSKUSViewModel | Collection of ProductSKUSViewModel |
None. |
PriceRule | RetailerBrandPricing |
None. |
IncludeInSitemap | boolean |
None. |
GiftCardDurationType | integer |
None. |
GiftCardDurationValue | integer |
None. |
DefaultSKU | string |
None. |
SizeChartURL | string |
None. |
Embroideryconfigurations | ProductEmbroideryConfiguration |
None. |
TechnicalSpecificationImage | string |
None. |
SKUSuffix | string |
None. |
IsAvalaraTaxSetup | boolean |
None. |
AvalaraTaxCode | string |
None. |
Customizations | RetailerProductCustomization |
None. |
ProductQuantities | string |
None. |